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The Most Neglected Cleaning Tasks

A clean home is a happy home, but even the most diligent of us can miss a spot or two. In fact, some of the dirtiest places in our homes are those we can’t see. Just because these spots are out of sight, it doesn’t mean they’re free of dirt.

So, can you actually access every inch of your residence? Yes, absolutely. With an experienced home disinfection service at your corner, you can keep your home in Ewa Beach safe at all times. However, if you’d like to know how to do the job yourself, read on for expert tips!

Which part of the house is the most challenging to clean?

Incorporating commonly missed places into your home upkeep routine doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the right tools and a bit of planning, you can keep these areas in pristine condition.

Underneath and behind furniture

The spaces under and behind sofas, beds, and cabinets can harbor a collection of dust, allergens, and lost items. To tackle these spots, use a vacuum with a hose attachment to reach under furniture. For heavier pieces, consider using furniture sliders to help move them during your cleaning routine.

Tops of cabinets and shelves

High surfaces such as the tops of cabinets and shelves are usually out of sight, making them easy to forget. Dust and grease particles can settle here and may eventually harden, making them difficult to tackle. To simplify the cleaning of high-up areas, consider using an extendable duster paired with a microfiber cloth, and keep a step stool handy for that extra reach.

Light switches and door handles

High-touch surfaces are germ hotspots but are often overlooked during regular cleaning. Wiping them down with a disinfectant regularly can help minimize the spread of germs, especially during flu season.

The space under the sink

This area often becomes a storage space for various household items, which can lead to clutter and mess. Regularly decluttering and wiping down the space with a disinfectant can keep it orderly and clean.

Behind the toilet & around faucets

These moist areas are prone to mold and mildew growth. Ignore these spots, and before you know it, you’ll have stubborn yellow stains and a grimy build-up that not only look unpleasant but can also mess with your fixtures’ performance.

Make it a habit to wipe down these spots with your choice of disinfectant spray, a simple bleach solution, or a natural cleaner you’ve whipped up yourself. Staying on top of these areas with a cleaner that’s tough on mold will keep them properly sanitized.

Interior of a washer & dryer

Soap residue and lint can build up inside your machines, potentially affecting their efficiency and creating fire hazards. Wipe down the interior of your washer and dryer with a damp cloth and leave the doors open after use to air them out.

An outdoor entrance

These spaces can bring in dirt and debris from outside. Placing doormats both inside and outside of doors and sweeping these areas can reduce the amount of dirt that enters your home.

Where can I find reliable home disinfection service in Ewa Beach?Where can I find reliable home disinfection service in Ewa Beach

When life’s pace picks up and leaves little room for chores, turning to professionals can be a game-changer. Here at Maid in Oahu, we understand the demands of modern life and are dedicated to providing exceptional cleaning services tailored to your needs. No matter if you’re not sure how to optimize your housekeeping while working from home, or maybe you’re having trouble preparing your home for the holidays

Whether your residence is situated near James Campbell High School or elsewhere in the area, we’ll send you a team that knows how to make your space shine. So, why wait? Allow our experts to handle the cleaning while you focus on what matters most. Reach out today!


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