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5 Ways to Speed Up Your Move-In/Out Cleaning

Living in a fast-paced world affects housekeeping methods, too. No matter how well and in advance you prepare for relocation, you are always short on time. Finding an effective strategy and tackling all the tasks can be tricky. That’s why many homeowners in Pearl City, HI, rely on a renowned move-in cleaning service for assistance. This article will provide useful tips on how to speed up your move-in/out cleaning. Read on! 

What is the speed cleaning method?

Although it may seem far-fetched, cleaning can be made a lot more effective. All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

1. Clean from top to bottom and from side to side

When cleaning dust you should start from the top because it tends to fall and settle on lower surfaces. To avoid doing the same job twice wipe the ceiling fan and light fixtures first and work your way down to the floor. When cleaning glass surfaces try wiping from side to side. That way you won’t have a problem with streaks. 

Microfiber cloth is the best option for mirrors and showers because it doesn’t leave fiber. Squeegee is the perfect tool for wiping windows as it doesn’t make water stains.

2. Free your kitchen from grease

Whipping the kitchen into an immaculate shape is one of the criteria for how clean your house should be when moving. First, degrease your oven and wash it inside out thoroughly. Throw away all the food leftovers and wipe the fridge inside out. Don’t forget to vacuum the coils. Wipe the countertops and cabinets and clean all the appliances. Scrub and disinfect the sink and the garbage disposal.

Although the dishwasher may seem clean you’d be surprised how many germs linger in it. Rinsing the dishwasher with hot water is one of the ways to clean your new kitchen before moving in

3. Scrub the bathroom

Spray some hydrogen peroxide to battle mold and mildew. One of the reasons why you should deep clean your new home before moving in is to remove potential health risks. Scrub the toilet, sink, shower, and bathtub. Apply a diluted cleaning solution to faucets, shower heads, and tiles to get rid of mineral deposits. Wipe the mirrors and the inside and outside of cabinets. Finally, spray a disinfectant on clean surfaces and give it 5-10 minutes to kick in.

4. Tackle the walls and the floor

Wipe down the walls with mild soap to remove the dirt. Go over the whole wall with a damp cloth to remove the residue. Proceed with the walls. Vacuum the floor in rows. Do the entire length of the room in a straight row and start again at the front of the room. Make sure the rows overlap to cover every inch of the room. Mop the floor and let it dry for 20 minutes. 

5. Hire professionals

Hiring professionals is the ultimate way to speed up your move-in/out cleaning. They work in teams and cover large areas simultaneously which makes them more efficient. Sharing the workload will enable you to focus on packing and save you time and money. This is an investment that really pays off.

Where in Pearl City, HI, can I find a high-quality move-in cleaning service

Where in Pearl City, HI, can I find a high-quality move-in cleaning service?

Moving doesn’t have to be a nightmare. If you are changing your home and you need dependable aid, partner with Maid in Oahu. Our seasoned and bonded specialists provide an array of services and will make dust and dirt-free. Visit Pearl Harbor National Memorial and leave everything in our capable hands. Call us today and get a quote!

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